Thursday, December 04, 2008

A blah day...

Ever have days where you just want to crawl into a hole and not come out? That was me yesterday. You know this past summer I had a humdinger of a time with my hubby and our marriage was not doing so well, I moved out and am now back, and we are trying to work things out, but every so often things blow up again. Tuesday night things BLEW up! Ka-BANG!!!!! So, yesterday I spent ALL day in my pajamas on the couch watching episode after episode of Grey's Anatomy and did nothing else. Which you know it means it's bad when I can sit that still for that long of time and do NOTHING! I usually can't go for more than an hour without grabbing some stitching or hopping up to do dishes or something, but yesterday, I just SAT.

So, no stitching progress today. I am feeling a bit better today, as last night when hubby got home, we talked about things and things are getting a little better. I think I feel functionable today. =) I may actually get some stitching in. And some reading and some Sims playing...I might watch another episode or two of G.A. they are SO addictive! But I still just feel quiet...not sad, just somber...

Maybe I just need more coffee....hmmm...


Shelleen said...

I hope that things work out for you and your DH. My husband and I have been married for 20 years and everything was great til 2 years ago and it took a lot of work , communication and patience, which I don't have. We are better than we were but still have a little more ways to go. Hang in there. I also pulled away from friends and family and like the quiet time and have had sad days as well.

BW said...

I understand what you are going through. DH and I have also hit a rough patch lately and are working through it, too. Know that I am thinking about you.