Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dolphin Domain

Well, this is what I worked on yesterday! mostly just more grey! All that light grey that is in the face area of the larger dolphin here, that is pretty much it. Plus a little bit in the dolphin up at the top. I think I only got about 1 hour in on this one so not much got done, but a little can go a long way if I keep on working on it, right? well, today is Sunday and it is Nov. Quilt day. We shall see how much more backstitch I can get in today before and after work, as I don't go into work for another 4 hours and get home fairly early this evening (6:30, as apposed to 9) And I have Tomorrow and Tuesday off. And tomorrow is also Nov. Quilt day as well, so I am hoping to get lots done, but it always seems that whenever I say that nothing gets done.

I have actually been really tired lately, sleeping in later than normal for me then wanting to take naps and go to bed early, maybe I need to do more exercise. Well, I guess I will go do that right now!


Lelia said...

Hi Lana: Enjoy the BSing on November Quilt. It is such a pretty piece! I'm in a SAL for the Drawn Thread Game Board Sampler -- will be working on another square.

Glad you liked the buttons -- the instructions are in the links & they can be addictive!! I've been itching to work on some beading.

Take care -- hope you are not coming down with a bug.

Von said...

Yes, Lana, please do take good care of yourself. Perhaps you need a walk in the fresh air? Then a nice session of stitching. :D